
Friday, April 26, 2013

5 Words: Week 17

     Okay so this week I didn't get to post like I wanted to, but that's because I didn't have a laptop. I wrote Monday's post in advance, because I knew I wouldn't have access to a computer. But I got a new laptop, so I'm really happy. I don't see this as being a  long-term computer but that's due to not having a keypad, mouse scroll, and I also just discovered that I don't like Windows 8.
    Anyway I got a new computer, smaller and easier to use, so for now I'm happy. I'm going to try to finish a post I've been working on to post next week, and I'll just go ahead and schedule it to publish that way I don't forget.
     So there's that now here's this week's 5 Words.....

Bedaub- To smear over, as with something oily or sticky.
Galvanize- To imbue with life or animation.
Guinea- An English monetary unit.
Gumption- Common sense.
Ichthyology- The branch of zoology that treats of fishes.

    Okay so that's all for this week, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Friday, April 19, 2013

5 Words: Week 16

   Well it's Friday, and I'm feeling much better after being in bed all week. I've come to the conclusion that it wasn't a stomach virus, but food poisoning.
     So now that I feel better I hope to be back on my normal posting schedule next week. Wednesday's post will be a nail polish review, or that's what I'm planning right now, I may change my mind.
    Okay so let's get to this week's 5 Words......

Abut- To touch at the end or boundary line.
Epizootic- Prevailing among animals.
Quarto- An eight-page newspaper of any size.
Zephyr- Any soft, gentle wind.
Virago- A bold, impudent, turbulent woman.

     Okay so that's all for this week, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Monday, April 15, 2013

Weight Loss Monday's: Week 12

   Okay so today's post is going to be short and sweet. I'm sure I probably have lost weight this week I had been doing a lot of exercising, but I also got sick.
    I spent 4 hours in the hospital Yesterday, I have a stomach bug, so I haven't ate anything in 24 hours, I tried but lets just say it's no longer in me. I  was very dehydrated, so I now have two bruised arms from an IV.
     Okay so that's all for today, I wish I could write more but my stomach is really hurting. So that's all for today, I'm going to go lay down. Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Friday, April 12, 2013

5 Words: Week 15

   So it's Friday, and so you know what that means. But first I just want to apologize for not posting on Wednesday, I just didn't feel like it. Mainly because I feel quality is better than quantity.
     Writing more isn't going to get more people following me or reading my blog, it's the quality of the writing that matters, and I didn't have anything on Wednesday. I thought about maybe doing a silly post but I just wasn't feeling it, and I didn't want to waste your time.
     So there's that let's move on to today's 5 Words......
Earthenware- Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun.
Edify- To build up, or strengthen, especially in morals or religion.
Garrote- To execute by strangling.
Jocose- Done or made in jest.
Naphtha- A light, colorless, volatile, inflammable oil used as a solvent, as in manufacture of paints.

Okay so that's all for this week, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weight Loss Monday's: Week 11

    So it's a new week, and I'm super excited lots to say, and not enough time to write. First of all no I haven't lost any weight, but I made a plan, and I'm going to share it with you.
      My diet has been really good, I haven't been eating much. All I had yesterday was 6 french toast cinnamon sticks for breakfast, and a bowl of spaghetti for dinner. I'm having trouble sleeping which is what has caused my appetite to be pretty nonexistent.
      Exercise has been good and it's going to get better. I got my gym membership back last week, I haven't got to go yet, but I've been working from home. Saturday I spent rearranging my entire room, so now I have a lot more room for exercise, and I can also get to my stationary bike with ease.
       Also discovered a new fitness plan. Now I know the Kardashian sisters aren't very likable to most people, but I do like Khloe and follow her on Twitter. Last week she tweeted a photo, it's a  30 day squat challenge. Unfortunately I can't put the photo up here, but she did re-tweeted another version that one of her followers is doing, it's pretty much the same, but a little easier. I can put it up so here it is.

     So there's that, I'm currently on day 3, and my legs and butt are on fire. But it will be worth it in the end, I'm hoping I can stick to this, but I'm not sure if I will be able to do over 200 squats a day, maybe 100, but I will work on it.
     Aside from that I've also been working with some light weights trying to tone up my arms. And I've also been trying to stretch when I can remember.
     Okay so that's all for my diet and exercise portion of today's post. Time to move on.
    I went to the doctor on Friday because my allergies have been really bad, so she changed my allergy medicine, and so far I've been doing great on it. I feel better, obviously I don't feel great, but the dust, and pollen count are high, so it's gonna be a while before I feel my best again.
       Well that's all for today, I hope you all have a good week, I know I'm going to be busy. Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Friday, April 5, 2013

5 Words: Week 14

   Okay so it's Friday, and it's going to be a busy day. I hope everyone's had a good week, I know I have. The best thing of all is that my brother moved out. So that means I'll really be able to focus on not only my school work more, but also my blog.
    And I also got my gym member ship so I'm really excited to start losing all this fat. I'll talk more about this on Monday, but I think my goal for this year is going to be in a size 10-12 by Winter.
      Anyway let's get started with this week's 5 Words.....

Facsimile- An exact copy or reproduction.
Fealty- Loyalty
Toilsome- Involving hard or tedious work.
Laudatory- Pertaining to,expressing, or containing praise.
Waif- A homeless, neglected wanderer.

Okay, so that's all for this week, Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Good Deals: Charlotte Russe Edition

        Okay so I had a brilliant idea today, instead of showing good deals from multiple sites why not just one. Today I decided to do Charlotte Russe, I recently discovered her clothes, I knew about her line, but I always thought it would be out of my budget. Well surprise to me it wasn't, it was actually a lot cheaper than most places I buy clothes from.
    Floral Skull Print Hi-Low Dress-  $32.99 (Link)
- When I first saw this dress I fell in love, I don't know what it is about it, but I just love it and I think it is gorgeous. The only thing I don't like is that the back is so long, so I think I would probably have it shortened just a little, but other than that it's perfect.
     Cropped Military Lapel Blazer-  $36.99  (Link)
- I love the look of this blazer, I love the cropped look. However I don't like the fact that it's only offered in Cobalt Blue. I would love to order this but it just wouldn't look right with my skin, but this would be perfect for someone with a darker skin tone.
    Draped Open-Front Cover-Up- $9.99  $7.50     (Link)
- I don't know about you but I love cardigans and cover-ups, so I was especially excited when I seen how many they had on their website. And then I saw the price tag, currently on sale for only $7.50. I immediately added multiple different styles to my wishlist, and I plan on buying some next week. This particular cover-up is available in 5 different colors. But before deciding on this one I would recommend you look at the other different styles they have so you make sure you buy the right one for you.
     Studded Cold Shoulder French Terry Top- $19.99 $15.00  (Link)
- Again here is another item currently on sale. It is available in 2 colors, and I think would be perfect for a chilly Summer night or a nice Spring day. I've always loved cold shoulder tops, I don't know why, I guess because I get to show off my shoulders without having to show my arms.
    Matte Black Liquid Leggings-  $14.99 (Link)
-  So at the moment I'm kinda loving leather, whether it be leather boots, leggings, or leather jackets, I'm all about the leather. I've been looking for some leather leggings but hadn't been able to decide what to buy. I was going to buy some from Topshop, but I decided I wanted to buy a cheaper pair first, and see if I like the way they feel before spending more money on a better quality pair.
    So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know in the comments if you prefer me doing one site at a time or if you prefer me showing products from multiple sites.
     Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd