
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My 10 Guilty Pleasures

     So since I don't have a camera to take pictures so I can do beauty related reviews, for the next month I will be doing blog post that don't require pictures. Some of my posts will have pictures, but they'll be from the internet. Today I decided I would tell you my guilty pleasures.
  1. Chocolate. I can not live a day without chocolate. The only time I can go without chocolate is when I'm sick. Granted there have been days I have went without chocolate just because I don't want it. Example the past 2 weeks I've been recovering from being sick, so I haven't wanted chocolate.
  2. Pretty Little Liars. I had read all the books before the show ever came out, unfortunately I haven't got to read the four newest she's put out, due to them being only available in hardback and being $15.00.
  3. Vanilla. It doesn't matter if it's food, candles's, lotion, or soap. Anything that smells like vanilla I love. I own more candles, than shoes.
  4. Demi Lovato. Yep I'm a Lovatic, I've loved her since day one. I'm so very proud of her for everything she's done, I almost cried when she won her first VMA.
  5. Music. I can't live without getting on YouTube at least once a day.
  6. My Hair. I love my hair, I love playing with it looking at it, getting compliments about it. I just love it.
  7. Downton Abbey. I love Downton Abbey, I love that it's so original, and there's nothing like it on TV. I guess I just love the way people use to live, maybe that's why I'm into historical romance novels. Because people actually had manners, they actually lived that way. Life today is just so different, yes I love my freedoms as a woman, but I wish the world we live in wasn't so rude. 
  8. Johanna Lindsey Novels. I love historical romance novels, with Johanna Lindsey being my favorite author, I hope to someday own every book she's ever written.
  9. The Internet. I love the internet, I don't know anyone who doesn't. I usually have to do a 1 or 2 week detox a few times a year, so I can focus on the important things, and get refocused. My last detox was earlier this month so it'll probably be next year before I have to again.
  10. Reading and Writing. I love to read, it's my second most favorite thing to do, first being listening to music. Put the two together and my day is made. I love to write, songs, essays,blogs, anything really. It's what I love to do and plan on doing for a long time, I refuse to say forever because I don't know what will happen in the future.
     Wow, that was so much harder than I expected. When I first decided to write this I thought I was gonna be able to write it in 5 minutes, I was so wrong. You might not think some of these are actual guilty pleasures, but to me, they are. So I hope you liked my 10 Guilty Pleasures. Do we share any of the same? If not, what are some of yours?
                                                                                   Stay Creative,
                                                                                                  Lori Ann
Also contact me:  
                             Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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