
Friday, February 22, 2013

5 Words: Week 8

     You already know what's in store for today, you get your 5 words and and update. I also told you that I would let you know what happened at my doctors appointment.
   Basically all that happened was my doctor put me on a low dose of medication for high blood pressure. I'm going to try to get an appointment with a heart doctor because I don't feel comfortable taking it, due to the fact that I have Orthostatic Hypotension.
   But until then I will take it. The best news she gave me was that what I thought was chest pains, was actually indigestion.
      So now you know what's going on with that, let's get to this week's 5 words....

Ardent- Enthusiastic or passionate.
Sipe- (Of liquid) to drip, ooze, or soak through.
    1.)  Put an end to ( a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force.
    2.) Subdue or silence (someone).
Cognizant- Having knowledge or being aware of.
Cogent-  (Of an argument or case) Clear, logical, and convincing.

 Well that's all for this week, Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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