
Friday, May 17, 2013

5 Words: Week 20

     Today marks week 20 of my 5 Words series, it seems like only yesterday I started my blog. This year seems to just be flying by, and I feel like I've barely accomplished anything.
      So enough with that let's get right to this weeks 5 Words....

Fez- A brimless felt cap in the shape of a truncated cone, usually red with a black tassel.
Fief-  A landed estate held under feudal tenure.
Quay- A wharf or artificial landing-place on the shore of a harbor or projecting into it.
Obdurate- Impassive feelings of humanity or pity.
Octogenarian- A person between eighty and ninety years old.

So that's all for this week, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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