
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Top 5 Favorite Song of the Moment

        So I decided today to tell you about my top 5 favorite songs of the moment because I haven't really done this in a while. I know in the past I've linked a few songs on here, but I've never really done a post like this.
     Let's get started, and I will warn you now my musical tastes are all over the charts and you will not even begin to guess the 5 song I'm going to post.
    1.) Demi Lovato- Heart Attack
-Okay so this one may be expected because I've talked about how much I love Demi in the past.

  2.) Black Veil Brides- In the End
- So you might not expect this one, and neither did I but I really love this song. I love message behind it, and I kinda wanna get a tattoo of a line from this song.
     I've been listening to their music for probably about a month and my favorite songs by them are 'In the End', 'Carolyn', 'Ritual', 'Saviour', 'Lost It all', 'Morticians Daughter', 'Never Give In', and 'Set the World on Fire'.

   3.) Skid Row- Wasted Time
- I actually have Black Veil Brides bassist Ashley Purdy to thank for introducing me to Skid Row. I seen a video of him singing a song of their's and I fell in love instantly. So I looked them up and I immediately bought 3 songs on iTunes, I have ' Wasted Time', 'I Remember You', and '18 and Life'. I love all the songs, but at the moment 'Wasted Time' is definitely my fave.

  4.) Love and Theft- Runaway
- I first heard this song while watching CMT probably about 3 or 4 years ago, I'm not sure exactly when it came out. But I've listened to it over the years and it's always been a favorite of mine, and I actually rediscovered the song last week and decided to buy it on iTunes.

  5.) Tate Stevens- Power of A Love Song
- When I first heard the title of this song I was expecting it to be a really slow country song, and in the beginning it kinda is, but then it starts to speed up and I really like it. Tate Stevens was the winner of Season 2 of The X-Factor, and I knew the moment I saw him audition that he would be the winner.
    He just released his debut album and I would really recommend you by it he worked with some really amazing songwriters on this album, and I know in time he's going to be a big country star.
    Though I must say it kinda pisses me off that Simon Cowell is spending more time promoting his little boy group that only made it to third place and isn't promoting Tate.

      So there's my 5 favorite songs of the moment, I hope you liked this post, and let me know what you think of my interesting choice of music in the comments below.
     That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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