
Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Online High School Experience

      Today's post is about something I've never really talked about on here, but I decided today was the day to go for it and bring the subject up.  My big secret is that I don't go to public school, private school, or even a normal tradition high school, I attend  high school online, and I love every minute of it.

     In all my tuition was $777.00, that's for my entire four years of high school, it includes all of my books, free tutoring, and when i finish my program I will get a class ring. I go to high school through Ashworth College, my school is called James Madison High School. I started JMHS in August 2011, and because it was the beginning of the school year they has a discount for tuition.     

     Before I get any further I would like to point out that you can enroll in JMHS at any time of the year, I just included when I enrolled so you would know when to look out for the discount they have every year, at the start of a traditional school year.
       I enrolled in the College Prep program, and it is 24 courses divided into two parts, I'm hoping to graduate next year. If I do graduate next year then I will have graduated a year before my class in my hometown.
     The great thing about Ashworth College and JMHS is that they are flexible with tuition, I couldn't pay in full, so I made $40.00 a month payments and it was paid off in January.
     Some may question the quality of my education, but I don't mind answering their questions because I know how much my life has improved since I enrolled in this program. Ashworth College and JMHS are both Nationally and Regionally Accredited.
     If I hadn't decided to enroll in JMHS I would be attending one of the lowest scoring high schools in Kentucky, I will give them credit for raising their testing scores over the past few years, but by no means would I have gotten a quality education.  At the high school I was supposed to attend you can't take AP classes until your Junior year.
      By choosing JMHS I've taken my education into my own hands, it's all me, I'm the teacher, I go at my own pace, and I'm proud of that. I wouldn't recommend JMHS to everybody though because you do everything yourself, if you need to contact a teacher you can, but so far I haven't had to. I read through my lessons, study my notes, take quizzes, write essays, and take exams. Quizzes are computer graded but essays and some exams are teacher graded.
    I love that everything is online, I don't have to wait for textbooks to arrive, and I can start a new class as soon as I finish the one I was working on.  It really truly is amazing what you can do through this school. I've grown so much, and learned so much from this experience.
      I know I'm missing out on normal high school experiences, but I don't care. I'm just happy that when I graduate I can attend an actual ceremony they hold every year and I can walk across a stage to accept my diploma, that's all I want, and it will happen.
           If someone were to ask me if I would recommend Ashworth College or JMHS I would say yes immediately, because I know that it can change lives. It may not be right for everyone, you have to be focused and determined because there are no deadlines, and you don't have to finish a course by a certain date you could take 6 weeks, 6 months, or even a year to finish the class.

     Overall I love this school and I would never change my decision, if you want more info or have questions, either leave a comment below, or email me, I'd be happy to answer.
                    So that's all for today, I'll have my usual post up Friday.
                                               Stay Creative,
                                                                  Lori Ann

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