
Monday, June 17, 2013

Weight Loss Monday's: Week 21

    I feel incredible, it's like I'm on top of the world and nothing can bring me down. This past week has been really good, I've actually accomplished a lot, most of which I had been putting off for a while.
       I got a lot of work done, and I'm hoping to get more done this week, I'm aiming for this week to be even better then last week.
     So for my diet and exercise, both went well, I got in more exercise last week, but I did fail in the trying to eat less chocolate category.  Overall i exercised more, ate less, and drank more water.
       My favorite part of the week related to my diet and exercise was finding my favorite breakfast once again. Here recently for breakfast I would eat two whole grain waffles or two pieces of toast, but I was finally able to find my favorite breakfast food- Cinnamon French Toast Sticks.
     I know it's not the healthiest food, but it satisfies my hunger, and I don't end up bingeing on something else within an hour like I do with other breakfast food choices. I usually eat about 6 cinnamon sticks, and with it I have a glass of milk and a bottle of water and then I don't eat again till Lunch time.
      Another major thing that happened this week is that I was finally able to find something to help with my leg/calf  cramps. I had been taking a magnesium supplement to help, but it wasn't really helping so I got a potassium supplement and it has worked wonders. Apparently you're supposed to use magnesium and potassium together to help with calf cramps, and so far it's helped.
    To be honest I actually think that's all, it was a good week, boring, but because of that I accomplished a lot. Sadly I have not lost any weight, but I can't really be sure because I'm super bloated right now. I noticed Yesterday that I look like I've lost weight around my shoulders and my collar bone, and that's usually the first place I notice weight loss.
    So that's all for today, I'll be posting again tomorrow and on Friday. Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                              Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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