
Friday, July 19, 2013

5 Words: Week 26

   I can't believe it's Friday again, this year has gone by so quickly. I really can't believe it, it seems like only Yesterday we were celebrating a new year, and now it's halfway gone.
      Time is precious, so I'm not going to waste anymore of your time. Here is this weeks 5 Words.....

Sapiosexual- One who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature.
Extraversion- An extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self.
Trellis- A framework of light wooden or metal bars, chiefly used as a support for trees or climbing plants.
Roily- (chiefly of water) Muddy; turbulent.
Racketeering- Engaging in a racket.

So that is all for this week, be sure to check back next week. Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                                     Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                 Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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