
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Book Review: Dorothy McFalls- The Nude

Today's post will be a book review of 'The Nude' by Dorothy McFalls. I'm hoping I will be able to do more book reviews soon, but until then I decided to go ahead and post this.
       As usual with my book reviews I will post a brief summary from the back of the book, I will then write my review. With this book I didn't actually buy it, I got it for free on Amazon for their Kindle app, so I don't know what the back actually say's, so I will be using the description given on  Amazon's website.
This is the story of an abused widow and a tortured artist.
     "  All of London is enthralled by the mysterious Dionysus's latest masterpiece, a sensual woman reclining on an ornate settee, entitled, The Nude.
     Elsbeth Countess Mercer, recognizes Dionysus's work. This isn't the first time he's wrecked havoc in her life. This time, though, his painting has put her at the center of a vicious scandal, for the figure in his painting looks just like her....nude. Before he can hurt her again, she sets out to find the artist and prove her innocence.
     Nigel, the Marquess of Edgeware, has several problems of his own on his hands. A smuggling ring is using his Dorset estate's shoreline. Someone is trying to kill him. And now a fiesty widow is coming too close to discovering Dionysus's identity. Seducing the lady might be the swiftest course for diverting her attentions.
      He doesn't realize how such an affairwould affect her heart.... or his own.     "

     The story of The Nude is set in  Regency England, set around the doings of the aristocracy. As I mentioned before I got the book through Amazon's Kindle app, the book was available for free download, and it was 357 pages long.
   I want to warn any young readers of this blog, or those that are very religious that this book does have sex scenes, and so I would not recommend it to you.
     Now that I've issued that warning I will say that I've read a lot of books with sex scenes, some graphic, and some not. I can honestly say that the sex scenes in this book were very tastefully done,  Dorothy McFalls was able to create a sex scene without having to go into detail, and without having to drag it out for an entire chapter.
    In the book you find out who Dionysus is before Elsbeth does, and it's interesting to see her journey to discovering Dionysus's identity.
     You can tell this book is very well written because it flows from page to page, chapter to chapter, slowly building the emotion.  Not many people can write a book that features a woman recovering from  domestic violence, but Dorothy was able to capture Elsbeth's emotions. She was able to show exactly how hard it is to trust again after going through such a terrible first marriage, and it shows that given time, and the right person it is possible to love and trust again.

     So What Do I Think? 5 Stars

     I give this book 5 stars because it truly is such a moving and well written novel. It evoked powerful emotions in me, and words can't even describe how it made me feel. 
    If you love Regency Romance novels then this is a book you must read, it is a romance novel, but it is dark and twisted and passionate, and  you will not be able to put it down. 
     Overall I can't wait to read more of Dorothy McFalls work, I think she may have just become one of my favorite authors. I can not recommend this book enough, so please go buy it and let me know what you think in the comments below.
      So that's all for today, I hope you like my little review, I'll have my usual post up Friday. 
Stay Creative my Lovelies, I'll post again very soon.
                                              Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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