
Monday, September 23, 2013

Weight Loss Monday's: Week 34

    I cannot believe it's the last Monday of September, I just keep thinking how is this possible. The year is almost over, and it feels like its just begun.
       The past week has been just a little bit insane, it was full of ups and downs. But I'm hanging in there, and I've actually got a lot done over the past week.
        Last week I didn't eat much, just the thought of food makes me sick, and I don't know why. It's so weird, but I've been making sure I eat something, even if it's only a few bites of chicken and potatoes (last night).
        While my diet has been going really well, my exercising has not. I told myself that this week I'm going to get back on the bike, and get my butt to work.
         So what's the verdict.....

Weight Lost Last Week:  2 Pounds
Total Weight Loss:  8  Pounds

      I was in shock when I stepped on the scale and seen that I had lost 2 pounds. I was so happy to see the numbers going down again after being at a plateau.
    Overall I'm just really excited about everything, my weight is dropping, and I'm doing some really amazing things on the blog.
    Speaking about the blog, over the weekend I was able to write at least 10 post, and I already have them scheduled, and ready to go. So for the next few weeks, I've got it scheduled so that instead of 3 posts a week, it's going to be 4 posts a week, starting this week.
       So that is all for today, I shall be posting again tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday, so be sure to check back for that. Stay Creative my lovelies, I'll post again very very soon.
                                              Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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