
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Review: Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Nail Polish

It's been a while since I did my last nail polish review, so I decided today was the day to get back to it.
      Today I will be reviewing the Sally Hansen Hard As Nails in Rock Bottom 770.

      I bought this nail polish a few weeks ago for about $2.00, it was on sale, and I thought it was a beautiful color. I've never used the Hard As Nails, I always use the Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear, so I suppose you could say I had high expectations.
      In the bottle it looks like a dark purple, but on the nails, it is very sheer, in these photos I've applied 2-3 coats, and it's still sheer. So needless to day I was very disappointed.
       I wore this nail polish for about 4 days, and it chipped, flaked, and made my nails feel weak. My mother also tried it and she said it made her nails feel weak too.

What Do I Think?
       I would not recommend this nail polish, the color isn't what it looks like in the bottle, and the formula is terrible. I don't see myself using this bottle of nail polish again, I'll probably give it to one of my cousins.
      So that's all for today, I'll have my usual post up a post up tomorrow, and again on Friday. Will you be buying this? Have you tried it already? Let me know what you think in the comment section. Stay Creative my Lovelies, I'll post again very soon.
                                              Lori Ann
      Also contact me:  
                                   Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

1 comment:

  1. You're right. the first thing I noticed was how sheer it looked on your nails.
