
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Book Review: Caitlyn Duffy- The Believer's Daughter

Today I will be reviewing 'The Believer's Daughter' by Caitlyn Duffy, I got this book through iTunes Books for $1.99. At this time you can also get this book through Kindle for $1.99
       'The Believer's Daughter is the second installment in the Treadwell Academy Series. It is 370 pages long, and is a Young Adult novel.

     Since my e-book version didn't have a blurb, here is one from Amazon that I trimmed down.

     " Things Grace Mathison did her sophomore year of high school that she never expected to do in her lifetime:
 1.) Run away with her brother to New York City
 2.) Tattoo a unicorn on a pop star's back
 3.) Fall in love with a Russian graffiti artist
    At the age of 15, Grace has been sheltered most of her life, and her father is a successful television evangelist.
      When Grace's older brother, Aaron, makes international headlines with a romantic relationship gone wrong, Grace fins out that her father doesn't practice forgiveness as he preaches. Aaron is disowned, and begs Grace to run away with him to start a new life.
    She and Aaron find themselves in New York City, struggling to meet adult challenges like paying rent and holding down jobs. To make matters worse, their parents' troubles are only beginning. Grace learns that they are being investigated for financial fraud, and their entire empire is in danger.
   And then there's Felix, the cute tattoo artist who dabbles in graffiti. Incredibly, in a city inhabited by millions, he and Grace keep crossing paths.
     Grace starts to realize what she's really made of..... she's a lot tougher and smarter than the mean girls at Treadwell ever knew. In the face of losing everything she cherishes,, she closely examines what she believes in and discovers what she least expected to find: that she believes in herself."

So What did I think?    5 STARS

    After I read the first book in the series I wasn't really sure if I was going to continue on with the others. But after about a week, I finally caved in, I was really anxious, and I just wanted to know what else was going to happen.
      I actually think I enjoyed this book better than the first book. When I read the first book, I can remember skipping pages, because it just kept going on and on, but with this book I didn't, I just kept turning the page.
      I read this book in about 5 hours, and I was running on about an hour of sleep. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get a good nights sleep, or a good nap, until I finished this book.
     Just like the first book in the series, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, even though it's a YA novel, I think people of all ages would enjoy it.

      So that's all for today, I hope you like my little review, I'll have my usual post up Friday. Have you read this book? What did you think? Do you have any recommendations?
                                                Stay Creative,
                                                                 Lori Ann

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