
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Book Review: Caitlyn Duffy- The Rockstar's Daughter

     Today I will be reviewing 'The Rockstar's Daughter by Caitln Duffy, I got this book through iTunes Books for free. At this time you can also get this book through Kindle for free.
       'The Rockstar's Daughter is part of the Treadwell Academy Series. It is 319 pages long, and is a Young Adult novel.

   Since my e-book version didn't have a blurb, here is one from Amazon that I trimmed down.

     "This novel is about 15 year-old Taylor Beauforte, who's mother dies the summer before her Junior year of high school.  Her father is the lead singer in a band called Pound, before her mother died she had only met him twice, and talked to him a handful of times.
    After her mother dies she has no choice but to join her father and his new family on their summer tour before she even has a chance to mourn the loss of her mother.  With no one else to turn to, Taylor falls head over heels in love with Jake, the teenage son of one of the band's touring groupies.
     When Jake offers Taylor an opportunity to join him on a whirlwind adventure and leave her problems with her father far behind, Taylor has to decide - should she carve out her own way in the world, or try to repair the relationship she has with her only living parent?"
What did I think?   5 STARS

    Overall I really liked the book, I wasn't sure what to expect when I downloaded it, but I ended up really liking it.
      With the exception of a few minor details, I feel like this could actually be a real story. Obviously it isn't, but it could be, and I really like that. The author was able to mix in real issues that teens deal with, and make a great story.
      I even liked the ending, everything wrapped up neatly, and I wasn't left wondering about certain things, because it was all sorted out in the end.
        I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, even though it's a YA novel, I think people of all ages would enjoy it.

      Have you read this book? What did you think? Do you have any recommendations?
                                                            Stay Creative 
                                                                            Lori Ann

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