
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Music Playlist

    It's December, and normally I wouldn't post on a  Sunday, but I don't really care, I wanted to do this post, and this is the only time I have for it in my schedule.
     I would be lying if I said I just started playing Christmas music, because the truth is I've probably been listening to it since September. Yep, that's right September, I'm just a little bit obsessed with the Christmas season.

   I apologize for any mistakes I made, I used a new picture editing program, so it was a little hard getting used to. I just realized that this is actually the first time I've done something like this, I've never made a photo like this, so it's pretty cool.
    So that's all for today, let me know if you have any favorites on this playlist. And if you want to leave some recommendations in the comments, I would love to check them out.
                                                                Stay Creative,
                                                                                       Lori Ann


  1. I love your Christmas playlist!

