
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Skincare Tag!

      I was recently reading a few different blogs and I came across the Skincare Tag.
   No one has tagged me but I thought I would do it for fun, and because I'm into my making sure my skin is taken care of.

Describe your Skincare Routine in 5 words?
- Diligent, gentle, important, easy, simple.

What's your Skin type?

- I have Combination/ Oily skin, sometimes I'll get break outs, but not often.

What's your favorite Skincare product?

- I love my Clinique Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser.

What's your Top Blemish Zapper?

-Toothpaste, it works!

Face Wipes? Yes or No? 

- Yes, I love to use the Neutrogena Make-Up remover wipes, and also the Simple cleansing wipes.

Toner? Yes or No?

- No, I've never used or owned a toner, I don't really see the need for it.

High End Skincare or High end Makeup? 

- I usually stick to drugstore products for both skincare, and make-up. But I do love my Clinique cleanser, and I really love their make-up, I'm planning to splurge next month on a foundation, and maybe some mascara too!

What's the most unusual Skincare product you've tried?

- Toothpaste on pimples, is probably the only thing I've ever done. Once I used Olive Oil on my hands for my eczema, I didn't like it so I stopped using it.

You're in a french Pharmacy & you can only pick 1 item, what would you choose?

- Perfume, I don't own any, so it would be nice to own one.

Top Skincare Tips?

- Always take off your make-up before bed.
  - Don't pick at pimples, I know it's hard, but don't.
    -Never tan, it will age you and can cause skin cancer.
     - See a dermatologist once every year to check for skin cancer.

I tag all of you, don't forget to leave a link in the comments so I can see yours too!  I also want to Tag the lovely Dany over at Bluebells & Owls .

    So that's all for today,  let me know what you think in the comment section.
                                                        Stay Creative,
                                                                         Lori Ann

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