
Monday, January 27, 2014

Making Changes

   Over the past few months I've made a lot of changes, and I've been telling you all that I would be making more changes soon. Well the day has finally arrived and I'm so happy that I can finally tell you all about it.
      Basically I'm replacing my Weight Loss Monday's series, I'm still going to be updating you about that, but it will only be once a month from now on.
      I'm also adding a new series on Sunday's, and it's called Weekly Inspiration. Basically it's going to be an inspiring picture/quote, with a passage and a goal for the week/year (however long you need to achieve it).

    Okay so now for what's replacing WLM's,  this is how it's going to be...

1st Monday of the Month......... My Monthly Goals
2nd Monday of the Month ....... A Monthly Music Playlist
3rd Monday of the Month........ Monthly Pinterest Roundup
4th Monday of the Month........   Monthly Weight Loss

I also have something planned for months with 5 Monday's

5th Monday of the Month... Things I'm Loving

    Also if you're interested yesterday I did a guest blog post over on A Topsy Turvy Blog  so go check that out and let me know what you think. I just wanna say thank you to Casey for letting me post on her blog, I really enjoyed working with her.

    Well that is all for today, let me know what you think below, I'm super excited for this new path I'm paving, and I can't wait to get started. So don't forget to come back on Sunday for the first Weekly Inspiration, and on Monday for My February Goals.
                                                                   Stay Creative,
                                                                                  Lori Ann


1 comment:

  1. I will have to check out your guest post, that is exciting!

