
Monday, January 20, 2014

Weight Loss Monday's: Week 50

     Okay, so today is the last day of WLM's, and I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad. I'm still going to be doing a weight loss series just not every week, I don't really wanna get in to it today so just check back next Monday for the big announcement/ changes.

Diet:  My diet has been okay, not the best, but I decided Yesterday that I'm going to get back on track. I started using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone again, and it usually keeps me on track.

Exercise:  I still haven't been able to get back to exercising as much as I had been. But I did make it to the chiropractor on Thursday, and I'm going again later today, so hopefully I'll start feeling better soon. Yesterday I was able to get back on the stationary bike for 20 minutes, it hurt, but not as much as I thought it would.

So did I lose any weight?

Weight Lost This Week:  1 Pound
Total Weight Loss:          18 Pounds

   Yes!!! I know it's only one pound, but to me every pound counts. Next Monday I go back to get blood work done for the first time since I lost about 10 pounds, so I'm really hoping it shows. Overall I'm feeling okay, but I think I may be anemic, I can usually tell when I'm anemic, and I'm starting to show the signs.

     That's all for today, tomorrow I'm going to be posting about some of my Recent Gifts and Purchases, then on Wednesday I'll have my first book review since November, and of course on Friday I'll have my 5 Words.
                                                                            Stay Creative,
                                                                                             Lori Ann

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