
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Book Review: Marriage by Mistake by Alyssa Kress

    Today I will be reviewing 'Marriage by Mistake' by Alyssa Kress, I got this book through iTunes iBooks for free. At this time you can also get this book through the Kindle app for free.
         'Marriage by Mistake is a Contemporary Romance Novel,  It is 349 pages long, and took me about 6 hours to read.

Since my e-book version didn't have a blurb, here is one from Amazon that I trimmed down.

      " He woke up to discover two days of his life completely gone.
           Workaholic Boston blueblood Dean has made it his life's goal to be the opposite of his irresponsible, womanizing father.
          But Dean discovers that while in a hypnotic trance he's acted exactly like his father, traveling to Las Vegas where he'd wooed and wed some sexy, airhead dancer.
          Now, Kelly may be sexy, but she's no airhead. She knows the cols and puritanical man who claims to be her husband is not the man she'd married. But she suspects the warm and tender man she does love is buried somewhere deep inside. And she's determined to find him.....    "

So What did I think?   4 STARS 

Like:  Troy and Felicia's story in the background.
Dislike:  The book cover.

   The reason I don't like the book cover is because I feel like it doesn't represent the story well. Yes Kelly is a dancer, but the story isn't about that, and you don't really know many details about that part of her life.
    I love that she included Troy and Felicia's story line, and if I'm being 100% honest, I think I would have preferred to read their story over Kelly and Dean's.
     Overall the book was a fun, easy, and entertaining read. It's not really anything I expect to leave a lasting impression, nor do I expect to remember it in a few months, but it was enjoyable.
     I would recommend this book to someone who wanted a fun and easy read, nothing serious, and nothing you really have to think about.

     So that's all for today, I hope you like my little review, don't forget to check back next week for more. Have you read this book? What did you think? Do you have any recommendations?
                                                                   Lori Ann

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