
Monday, March 3, 2014

Goals for March

Hello lovelies, I can't believe March is here and it's time for me to make new goals already!

This month my goals are going to focus around school and I'm also going to be focusing on getting back to writing this month.
 I've had writers block since mid-December, and I haven't been able to write at all. Friday night I wrote 250 words for my current work in progress, and then early Sunday morning I came up with an idea for a new book, so I'm not sure which I'm going to be working on, but I'll keep you updated.

Open a savings account with birthday money.
Finish College Prep American History Part 1.
Start College Prep American History Part 2.
Take my Algebra 1 Part 1 Quarter 1 Exam.
Read 3 books.
Finish unboxing my bedroom.
Less junk food, and only one soda a week.
Clean out my closet and sell or donate old clothes.
Start the search for a new mattress and box spring.
Write 5,000 words for my new novel idea.

That's all for today, don't forget to follow if you wanna see more blog posts!
        Lori Ann


  1. I'm trying to do the whole no junk food thing. Chips and Pepsi are my comfort food ;)
    What is your book about?

  2. Happy to hear you enjoyed this post!
