
Saturday, March 29, 2014

March Goals Update

Earlier this month I shared with you some of the goals I hoped to achieve in March, and today I want to update you about them.

Open a savings account with my birthday money.
Finish College Prep American History Part 1.
Start College Prep American History Part 2.
Take my Algebra 1 Part 1 Quarter 1 Exam.
Read 3 Books.
Finish unboxing my bedroom.
Less junk food, and only one soda a week. 
Clean out my closet, and sell or donate old clothes.
Start the search for a new mattress and box spring.
Write 5,000 words for my new novel idea.

I think I did really well this month, I accomplished most of what I wanted to get done. Towards the end of the month I did get sick and so it kept me from finishing some of my goals, but I'll explain that below.

Open a savings account.
The reason I didn't get this accomplished is because I forgot that I have to get my address changed on my ID before I can open an account.

Finish College Prep American History Part 1.
I accomplished most of this, this month, but due to me being sick I wasn't able to finish it. I'm still not feeling to well, but I'm starting to catch up and get back on track.

Take my Algebra 1 Part 1 Quarter 1 Exam .
Honestly I just didn't feel like doing taking my test, so I didn't. I'll get to it, eventually.

Write 5,000 words for my new novel idea.
I actually decided to just keep writing for my original idea, but hopefully I'll get to start on my new idea soon. But I did manage to write a little more than 2,000 words for my original idea.

That's all for today, I can't believe that this month is almost over!

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