
Monday, March 31, 2014

March Weight Loss

Good Morning lovelies, I can't believe it's already the last day of March, it's hard to believe that three months have gone by since the start of the new year. 
I don't really have much to say today, so I'm just going to jump into this months weight loss update!

This month I actually did really well with my diet. I've been focusing on trying to find low-calorie and healthy snacks and I found two that I absolutely love. 
My #1 fave snack is the tropical tie-dye flavored Fruit Roll-Ups, they're only 40 calories each and they're made of real fruit.
My #2 fave snack is the Original Rice Krispy treats, they're only 80 calories, and they make me feel full so I don't feel the need to keep snacking.
I know they probably aren't the best options, but I'm a very picky eater, and they just happen to be low-calorie, so I really don't care.

 I've been sick pretty much all month and I've just been focusing on trying to get better. And because I've been sick I haven't really been exercising. I did start using my 5-pound hand weights again and I've also been trying to get back into a routine of doing squats.
 I was going to sign up this month at the gym, but with me being sick I've been getting short of breath and I think going to the gym like that would be a bad combination!

So did I lose any weight?

Weight Lost This Week:  -7 Pounds
Total Weight Loss:          8 Pounds

Unfortunately I didn't lose any weight this month, I actually gained three pounds. But to be honest I was kind of expecting it. I'm having trouble coming up with the words to explain how I feel, but all I get is blah. That's how I feel, March was just one big blob of blah! 

That's all for today, tomorrow I'm going to be posting some of my favorite Dresses for Spring, and then on Wednesday I'll be posting My Top 10 Authors Whose Book I've Never Read, so don't forget to check back for that!


  1. Great job sticking to your diet! Next month will be etter I am sure! And I tried to run this month and I have literally been sick all month, so It hasnt gone too well!

    Love Always,

    1. I hope so, thanks Elizabeth, I hope you get to feeling better!
