
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Book Review: Johanna Lindsey- The Heir (Locke Family Series #1)

    Today I will be reviewing ' The Heir' by Johanna Lindsey, I bought this book a few years ago for $7.99.
         'The Heir' is a Historical Romance Novel, set in the 19th century and it is the first book in the Locke Family Series. It is 407 pages long, and took me about 6 hours to read.

       As usual here is the synopsis from the back of the book.

      "    Has anyone in London ever taken part in the coming-out season with less enthusiasm than Sabrina? Luckily, the most sought-after lady in the city has agreed to usher this young, lovely country girl through the perils and pitfalls of her all-important first season.
           Dashing highlander Duncan MacTavish is even less keen to be in London. Having recently learned he is the sole heir of an English marquis, Duncan is now required to assume his grandfather's title and estates- and to marry Sabrina's ravishing, viper- tongued guide, who has been heard to make scathing statements in public about her "Scottish Barbarian" groom-to-be.
          His unwanted betrothal, however, has brought Duncan into close proximity with the enchanting Sabrina- a kindred spirit whose wits delight him..... and whose essence is the exquisite stuff of dreams. But duty, station, and a secret that dwells in the lady's past forbid Sabrina's and Duncan's desired union- unless true love can somehow miraculously find a way.    "
   So What did I think?   4 STARS

Like: Nothing in particular stands out.
Dislike: The scene between Duncan and Sabrina in the carriage alone.

Age Rating: 17 and up. Depending on age and maturity.

     I bought this book about 3 years ago, and I recently decided to re-read it because I bought the newest book in the series, and I wanted to refresh my brain before I read the new book.

     My opinion of this book is the same as it was 3 three years ago, I love it as much as I love all of Johanna Lindsey's novels, and I think she is such an amazing writer.

     While I did love the book, I don't wanna give it 5 stars because it wasn't the best book, and because I know Johanna Lindsey has other books far more deserving of 5 stars.

    I think the reason why I loved this book is because the characters relationship was allowed to develop before they fell in love. It wasn't an immediate love story, and neither of them were expecting it.
    While I do love this novel, and the series, I do think Johanna Lindsey can do better. But I actually think I'm just being mean because in my mind nothing can live up to her Malory Family Series.
    Overall I think 'The Heir' is a  sweet love story, it's not a steamy passionate love story like most of Johanna Lindsey's books, but I like that.  I would definitely buy this book again, and I'm sure I will continue re-reading it for many years to come.

       So that's all for today, let me know what you think in the comments. Have you read this book?  Do you have any recommendations?

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