
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Looking for Guest Bloggers!

Today I was planning on posting a book review, but I didn't finish the book I was planning on reviewing so I'll post it next week.
This month is going to be very busy because I'm studying for the June 14 ACT and I don't have much time left to prepare. 
I've been trying to schedule posts ahead of time so that I don't have to worry about getting blog posts out on time, but to be honest it's starting to pile up, I'm starting to get behind and it's stressing me out!

I've never done this before, and I decided that it was time to bring in a little help. So if you want to be a guest blogger send me an email ( ) and we'll talk.

As of right now I'm thinking I'll need 4-6 blog posts or guest bloggers. If you want to write more than one blog post, just let me know, I don't mind.

Later this year, probably around September/October, I'll be retaking the ACT and SAT, and I'll probably need help then too, so I'll let you know then if I do.

I wanna go ahead and say thank you to anyone who volunteers, I really appreciate the help.


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