
Monday, June 2, 2014

Goals for June + New Blog Design

Hello lovelies, can you believe it's already June? It feel like just yesterday I was writing my New Years Resolutions!
So you've probably noticed that once again I have changed my blog design, and to be honest it probably won't be the last time. As you can see below one of my goals this month is to work on a new blog design, so that's what I will be doing this month, I want to find a blog design that I really love that way I can actually keep it for a while and not change it in a few months time!

So there's that, I wanted to give you a heads up, and here's the rest of my goals for June!

FINISH College Prep U.S. History Part 2
Start and finish English 2 Part 1
Finish half of Geometry Part 1
Read a book.
Take better care of my hair.
Spend more time blogging.
Be more involved in the blog community.
Work on a new blog design.
Start working out again.

As you can tell once again my goals mainly revolve around school, but this month I'm also adding in some goals for the blog. For the past month I haven't been as focused on blogging, so this month I really want to put in more hours and focus on creating better content.

I guess that's all for today's post, I'll update you later this month about my goals!


  1. These are some awesome goals! Happy June!

    Love Always,
