
Thursday, June 26, 2014

June Goals Update

Hey y'all, today I want to update you on my goals for June, I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to, but I'm working on it.
By the way, I don't know if you noticed but I changed my blog name!
One of my goals for this month was to work on a new blog design and spend more time blogging. Earlier this month I made a  design and I liked it, but I didn't love it, so I decided to work with someone who knew more about blog design than I do.
 So far only the header has been uploaded, but the rest should be up soon, and I can't wait to see it and share it with you. When everything is in place I'll do a blog post about it and share all the details with you about the blog designer.

In case you didn't see them earlier this month, here's this months goals.

FINISH College Prep U.S. History Part 2
Start and finish English 2 Part 1
Finish half of Geometry Part 1
Read a book.
Take better care of my hair.
Spend more time blogging.
Be more involved in the blog community.
Work on a new blog design.
Start working out again.

6 out of 10

FINISH College Prep U.S. History Part 2
This month I've had to take a step back from focusing only on school, I've been dealing with some health issues, and because of that I haven't been working as much as I usually do.
Unfortunately, that means I didn't accomplish any of my goals for school this month. I really wanted to finish my History class this month, but I didn't. Depending on how hard I work I should have this class finished in 1-2 weeks, and then I'll be able to move on.

Start and finish English 2 Part 1
Because I'm only allowed to have two classes open at a time I didn't get to start English 2, but as soon as I finish the history class I'll start on English 2 and I should have Part 1 done by the end of July.

Finish half of Geometry Part 1
I also didn't start Geometry, my goal was to finish at least three units, but that didn't happen, but I did get the first unit of the course outlined and I decided on how I'm going to take notes for the class.

Start working out again.
Due to the issues I've been having I just haven't been able to start working out. I'm hoping that after I see a specialist next month I'll be able to get back on track, but till then I just have to wait it out and see what happens.

So that is all for today, I hope you liked it!

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