
Monday, June 9, 2014

June Playlist

Hello lovelies, I hope you had a great weekend! Today I want to take a moment to talk to y'all and let you know what's been going on and why I haven't been posting as much recently.
Basically what's going on is that I'm taking the ACT this Saturday and I've been studying really hard, and I've been trying to keep up with blogging and my school work at the same time, and it's just a lot to handle.
At this point I've had to put my school and studying first, which means that I've had to neglect blogging the past few weeks. But the big day is Saturday, and after that I going to take a few days to relax and then I'm going go make sure I give this blog a some much needed TLC!
So there's that and here's this months playlist.

So that's all for today, I hope you liked this months playlist, and hopefully next week I can get back on track with my normal posting schedule.

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