
Thursday, July 31, 2014

July Goals Update

Hey y'all! Can you believe tomorrow is August? I can't believe it, I wish we could freeze time for a week so I can get everything done that I need to do!

 Honestly, I'm actually starting to panic, I have so much to do, and I feel like I'm running out of time. One of the reasons I've been so stressed is because I decided a few weeks ago that I won't be using the CommonApp when it becomes available tomorrow, so that means I have to do all of my college applications separately, and I have to write essays for all the schools I apply to!

So, if over the next few months I don't post as often you know why!
But for now here's an update for my goals this month!

Read 2 Books
Lose Weight
Be a Better Blogger
Finish College Prep US History Part 2
Start and Finish English 2 Part 1
Start Geometry Part 1
Visit UE campus
 Send in UE college app
Write 10,000 words for Camp NaNoWriMo.
Order ACT study books.

5 out of 5!

Lose Weight
If you read Monday's Weight Loss Update, then you already know everything there is to know.

Start and Finish English 2 Part 1
Finishing my history course took way longer than I had planned, but I did finish it, now I'm just waiting for my teacher to close my course so I can get English 2 opened and I'm not sure how long that will take, usually 7-10 days but sometimes it can take longer.

Visit UE campus.
I had an appointment to tour the campus on Monday, but unfortunately I had to cancel it due to bad timing and health issues. But I did send in my application and hopefully soon I'll get to re-schedule!

Write 10,000 words for Camp NaNoWriMo
I made it to just over 7,000 words this month, I didn't write as much this month as I did last month, but considering everything that happened this month I'm happy with my results.

Order ACT study books.
Oops, I kinda forgot about this. I'll try to remember to order them tomorrow!

So that's all for this month! Did you accomplish your goals this month?


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