
Monday, July 28, 2014

Top 10 Tuesday: Six Authors I Own The Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish .
This week's theme: Top Ten Authors I Own The Most Books From

Johanna Lindsey
Sara Shepard
L.J. Smith
Caitlyn Duffy
Jenny Nimmo
Julia Quinn

I know this is supposed to be a top ten list, but I honestly don't have that many authors that I buy every single book from. I'm the type of person who enjoys buying new books and discovering new authors, I do have a handful of authors that I will buy anything from, but definitely not ten.

So there's my Top 6 Authors I Own The Most Books From, who are some of your favorite authors? Let me know below!

P.S. Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a new book review!


  1. +JMJ+

    Julia Quinn made my list, too! But if you had asked me which Romance author in my Tenner I'd spot most often on other lists, I wouldn't have guessed her, but Lisa Kleypas. How do you find Kleypas's books, Lori?

    1. I've actually never read any of Lisa Kleypas books, I'll have to check her out. Which book of hers do you recommend?

    2. +JMJ+

      I think the consensus is that her best books are those in the Bow Street Runners series: Someone to Watch Over Me, Lady Sophia's Lover, and Worth Any Price. I feel safest recommending those! =)

    3. Thanks for the recommendations I'll look into them!

  2. Julia Quinn would definitely have been on my list 5 years ago before The Great Purge when I decided to own/acquire fewer books because there's only so much space in my house :)

    1. I'm currently going through a big purge myself, moving into a smaller home sucks, but it means I can get new books!
