
Thursday, August 28, 2014

August Goals Update

Hey y'all, I hope you're having a great week! This month has been crazy, with me moving, not having internet, and being sick I really didn't accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish. 
However, I will say one thing I'm proud of is the fact that I finally finished my new blog design. I started working on my blog design back in June and it's just been all over the place. 

Over the past few months, I've experimented with a lot of different colors, backgrounds, and headers, but in the end I realized that a simple white background is what I love best. I also designed a blog header that I really love and I installed blog buttons that were super easy to install!

So what do you think? Let me know below what you think of my new blog design!

Sign up for the September 13 ACT test date.
Review Algebra 1 Part 1 & Part 2 and take final exam!
Start working on admissions essays.
Plan Nashville trip.
Start and finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
Clean out my closet before moving!
Read 3 books.
Finish new blog design!
Find a Neurologist and schedule an appointment.
Lose 5 pounds!

5 out of 10!

Review Algebra 1 Part 1 & Part 2 and take final exam!  &  Start and finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
This month I actually took a break from school. It wasn't intentional, but it was a much-needed and well-deserved break. I've been working all year long and I haven't taken any breaks, I've even worked through holidays and weekends! So this month was my break month, I started back on Monday and honestly I feel so much better, my brain really needed a rest!
Obviously I didn't get either school related goal done but I'm okay with that. I also found out I won't be able to start working on my next English class quite just yet. I was hoping my school would let me start working on my English class while I finished up my other classes, but they won't, so it looks like September will be Algebra and Geometry month! Yikes!!!

Start working on admissions essays.
I also didn't get to start on this, not having any internet for pretty much the entire month has really screwed up my plans, so I think I'm going to start writing my essays this weekend.

Plan Nashville trip.
No internet= no planning getting done!

Lose 5 Pounds!
Ha! I knew this was a long shot when I made this goal, I just didn't realize how impossible this was going to be this month. Between moving houses and also being in bed sick for two weeks, I didn't lose a pound.

Sp that is all for this months goals update, I hope you enjoyed it!


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