
Monday, September 29, 2014

September Favorites

Hello lovelies, I hope you had a great weekend! Every month I tell myself that I'm going to share with you my monthly favorites, but I always forget, so this month I made sure to remember!

Favorite Blog:
A Little Seersucker Sass
I love S.S.'s blog, she's so sweet so go send her some love!

Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Before this month I had never watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy, but one day I was flipping through channels and I came across it and I decided to give it a chance, and I loved it! So this is my new obsession, I've been watching it pretty much everyday trying to catch up and figure out who's who!

Favorite Movie:  Hocus Pocus
I love Hocus Pocus, it's probably my favorite Halloween movie, and I watched it four times last week!

Favorite Food : Pickles!
I LOVE pickles, pickles always have been, and always will be my favorite food!

Favorite Beauty Product:
I love the EOS Sweet Mint Lip Balm, my lips are super dry and this has been helping to keep them moisturized.

Favorite Clothing Item:
My maxi dress from the Mark Summer 2012 collection. It's a really pretty light and dark blue color and I'm trying to wear it as much as I can before the cold weather sets in and I have to retire it. I don't have a full length picture, but here's what the design looks like.

Favorite Book: Too Friendly to Date by Nicole Helm
I will be reviewing this soon, so all I'll say right now is that I love this book!

Favorite Song: Kenny Chesney - Come Over
I don't know why, but I've really been obsessed with this song the past few weeks.

So there are my September favorites, what are some of your favorites from this month? Let me know below!


  1. I saw the first few seasons of Grey's, then got busy and stopped watching it. I started re-watching it from the start on Netflix a couple of months ago. I'm on season two right now. Great show!

  2. So far I've watched season 1 on Hulu and I've watched season 5 &6 on TV. I'm trying to hold out till I graduate in a few months to get a Netflix account cause I know that it will distract me and I'll use to procrastinate doing my homework!
