
Thursday, September 25, 2014

September Goals Update

Hello lovelies, can you believe we're in the last few days of September? This month has been crazy busy and next month is going to be 100x worse, I actually managed to accomplish more this month than I thought I would, so I'm excited to see how next month goes!

Start using MyFitnessPal again.
Finish Algebra 1 Part 1 and Part 2.
Read 3 books.
Finish college app for Trevecca Nazarene University
Finish college app for Bethel University - Tennessee
Finish college app for Converse College.
Lose weight.
Blog more.
Be a better blogger.
Buy more Fall scented candles!!!

6 out of 10!

Finish Algebra 1 Part 1 and Part 2.
- Sadly I didn't do this, I've been reviewing and so hopefully I'll feel confident and comfortable enough to take my final tests and finish the course.

Finish college app for Trevecca Nazarene University.
- I didn't finish my application, but I did start it and so far I feel really good about it!

Finish college app for Bethel University-TN
-I was going to start my application a few days ago, but then I got an e-mail saying that if I apply next weeks then I won't have to pay the application fee, so I'm going to wait till next week that way I can save $30.

Finish college app for Converse College.
-Honestly I didn't even start my application, I've been really busy and I forgot about it.

So that's all for this months goals! Did you accomplish your goals for this month?


1 comment:

  1. A bit for the data and material is skilful for the turns for the joy. Approach of the field and high school essay is elevated for theisms. The trunk is fit for the approval of the document for the paths for humans.
