
Monday, October 27, 2014

Book Review: Nina de Gramont - The Boy I Love

Hello lovelies, today I will be reviewing 'The Boy I Love' by Nina de Gramont. Back in September I mentioned in a Top Ten Tuesday post that I wanted to read more books by Nina de Gramont, later that day I received an e-mail from Nina asking me which book I would like to read and then she sent it to me!

I know usually today I would be doing my monthly weight loss update, but I over-scheduled my blog and I really wanted to post this asap! After looking at my blog calender I've actually decided to make some changes to my posting schedule, I haven't figured out all the kinks yet, but I think I'll be doing a post about the changes on Saturday, maybe.

'The Boy I Love' is  Young Adult novel, it is 271 pages long and it took me about four hours to read. It is available at Amazon for $17.99 (Hardback) or $9.78 (Kindle). It's also available at Barnes and Noble for $13.42 (Hardback) and $10.99 (NookBook).

Book Stats

Genre: Young Adult

Length: 271 pages

Publisher: Atheneum Books 

Release Date: September 2, 2014

Book Synopsis:
When the boy you love asks you to keep his greatest secret, do you?

Sixteen-year old Wren has been content to stay in her best friend Allie's shadow. It doesn't bother her that Ally gets the cutest guys, the cutest clothes, and even a modeling gig- Wren is happy hanging with the horses on her family's farm and avoiding the jealousy of other girls. But when Tim, the most intriguing guy in school, starts hanging out with Ally and Wren, jealousy is unavoidable, but not the kind Wren expects. Because even though Ally is way into him and Wren hasn't flirted, not one little bit, it becomes increasingly clear that Tim prefers Wren's company to anyone else's.

Tim's unexpected devotion comes at the exact time Wren's home life is about to be turned upside down. But at least there is Tim...always a gentleman and ever dependable. But as his own seemingly perfect world comes spiraling down around him and he tells Wren his biggest secret, Wren must decide what she'll really do for love.

What Did I Think? 5 Stars

Like: The characters.
Dislike: Nothing. 

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would 100% recommend this book. It's been a about three years since I last read a Young Adult book, so when I received this book I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it at first, but once I started reading I loved it. I received 'The Boy I Love'  Thursday and I finished reading it last night.

Part of the reason I wasn't sure I would like the book is because most books I read are written in third-person, so reading a book in first-person was a big change, but it was a nice change. While I loved the plot, I feel like the characters are what made this book. That's what I loved most about the first book I read From Nina, her characters are well-developed.

Overall I loved the book and I highly recommend it. Since I've already confessed to this being the first YA novel I've read in years, how about another confession? I confess that this is the first real book I've read all year, every other book I've read this year has been read on my phone!!!

Honestly, just thinking about it makes me want to cry, I love reading, and I love books, but I've been in a funk all year when it comes to reading. I have a stack of 8 books sitting on my dresser that's been sitting there since February that I haven't even touched, and I hate myself for it. If you've ever been through a reading funk please leave any tips below you have for getting out of this funk, I really want to learn to love paperback and hardback books again.

Thank you Nina for sending me this book, once again I've enjoyed your work!
Will you be buying this book?  Let me know below!

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