
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Influenster Deans List VoxBox Review + A Funny Story

Hello lovelies, today I will be reviewing the Influenster Deans List VoxBox, I will also be telling a funny story about receiving this VoxBox. If you follow me on Instagram then you already know this funny story, so feel free to skip over that part.

In August I received an e-mail telling my that I had been selected to receive a VoxBox, and it finally arrived on September 26! Well, that's when all the fun began!

I'd been checking my e-mail and I saw that it had finally arrived so I decided to go out and get it. I opened our front door and it wasn't there, so I walked out onto the deck and saw that it was on the bottom step. ( Leading up to our front door is a deck with 20 steps. )

 I started to go and get it, but then something told me that I should probably take my phone with me, so I went back inside and got my phone before shutting the door and heading down the stairs.

After that I went back upstairs to go in and open my box, that's when I realized my mistake.
If you don't unlock both locks on our front door then when you go out it locks you out, can you see where I'm heading with this?

When I went to open the door I realized I was locked out!

Once I realized I'd locked myself out I had to swallow my pride and call my mother at work and tell her about the incident. I saw I had to swallow my pride because a few days earlier she locked herself out and I laughed at her.

Of course once I told her what I'd done she started laughing her head off, then she went and told her boss that she needed to leave, and once she found out why she laughed her head off too!

The whole ordeal lasted about 45 minutes and by the end of it I was thoroughly embarrassed and my legs were covered in bug bites from being outside.

So that's the story of the day I learned my lesson about leaving the house without a key. Thankfully it was a beautiful day and I had my phone with me, it could have been much worse.


Now for all the goodies...

Airhead Bites $0.87-$1.29
I love airheads, they are one of my favorite sweets, and I'm really happy that they've made them into bite size pieces. I've never really talked about in full or anything, but I do have health issues and I have to keep something to eat with me at all times.
I used to keep mini airheads in my bag, but they would always get so hard to chew, so I stopped buying them. In recent years I've turned to keeping fruit roll ups, but it's really hard to find my favorite flavor, so I've been trying to find something different to keep with me.

 After trying these I think I'll get some of these and keep them in my purse for when I need them. I really like the size of them and they're also easier to chew than full size airheads, so that's a big plus, I highly recommend these!

Pilot FriXion Clicker $5.75 for a 2-pack
 I LOVE these pens!!! I feel like I'm the perfect person to ask to review pens because I hate using pencils and try to avoid using them whenever possible. I have a pen obsession and I'm being 100% honest when I say I own at least 50 pens, it's an obsession, don't judge me!

Before receiving these pens to review I'd never tried erasable pens before, I'd always been curious, but I didn't want to buy them and risk hating them, so when I found out I was receiving these I was VERY happy! Overall I loved these pens, I even used them on my Algebra final and you couldn't even tell I had erased anything! I can honestly say that when I use up all the ink in these pens I will 100% be going out an buying more of these, heck, I'll probably buy more before then!

SinfulColors No Text Red $1.99
I've actually tried Sinful Colors nail polishes before and I really do like them, I think for the price they're really great and the colors they have are amazing. This nail polish lasted about three days before it started chipping, and I kept it on my nails for about a week before I knew I had to remove it. My favorite thing about this nail polish is the message behind it, I'm against texting and driving and so I support the message that SinfulColors is trying to share.

KISS Looks So Natural Lashes $3.99
I have naturally long lashes, so I don't use falsies, but these do look really nice and natural.
 After receiving them I got curious, so I opened the box and compared them to my natural lashes, and they were actually shorter than my natural lashes!

Softlips Cube $3.49
I love this lipbalm! I received the fresh mint cube and honestly this is exactly like the EOS lip balm. I really love that it has SPF in it, and I actually like the the packaging more than the EOS, so I highly recommend this product!

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance $3.99
I've never used tampons before, but I've recently been considering trying them, so we'll see how that goes.

COVERGIRL Ready, Set Gorgeous Liquid Foundation $6.99-$8.99
I really don't know how to tell you about this product because I didn't really get to use it. I tried to use it, but the shade was way too dark for my pale skin. I was sent the shade 115 Buff Beige and it looked awful, my skin was so orange I looked like an oompa loompa! I can say that one good thing about this foundation is that it doesn't have a heavy scent, so for me that's a big plus.
Honestly I don't see myself buying this foundation in the future, maybe one day I will, but right now I don't think I will. I think I'm going to pass this on to my mom because her skin is darker than mine, and I'll try to update y'all on that at a later date.

So that's all for todays post, I hope you enjoyed my little story! Have you tried any of the products mentioned above? Let me know below!

Disclaimer: I received all products for free from Influenster in exchange for an honest review.

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