
Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Goals Update

Hello lovelies, I hope you're having a great day! This month has been absolutely crazy! I've accomplished so much and at the same time so little!

When I look back at this month I'm really proud of everything I've accomplished, sure there's a lot I wanted to do that I didn't, but I prefer to look at it in a positive note rather than be disappointed. 

Overall it was a great month, I didn't do so well with my goals, but so what, I still had a great month.

Lose weight.
Keep up with blogging.
Finish five college applications.
Get my laptop fixed.
Read five books
Finish Geometry Part 1
Start and finish English 2
Try to start or be close to starting Spanish 2
Take the ACT for the last time and try not to freak out.
Find a photographer and schedule an appointment to finally get my senior pictures taken.

4 of 10 goals accomplished this month.

Lose Weight.
- Since I'm still recovering from my sprained ankle I haven;t been exercising much, but I've been trying to walk a little each day. So far it's not showing anything on the scale, but it is showing in my clothes, my jeans are starting to get a little baggier and I don't look as bloated.

Finish Geometry Part 1
- I hate math. I hate math. I hate math. Do I need to say more?

Start and finish English 2
- This was wishful thinking on my part, I thought I could start and finish an entire course in a month based on how quickly I finished English 1, but that's because I wasn't expecting as many writing assignments, so I'm still working on it.

Try to start or be close to starting Spanish 2
I'm only allowed to have four classes open at once, I was counting on finishing Geometry Part 1 and being able to start Spanish 2, but that didn't happen.

Take the ACT for the last time and try not to freak out.
Originally I was planning on taking the October 25 ACT, but then I decided not to. I hate taking tests, it gives me terrible anxiety, so I decided to just deal with the fact that I didn't score as high as I wanted to the first two times I took it.

Find a photographer and schedule an appointment to finally get my senior pictures taken.
This one is kind of half-way done. So far I've narrowed it down to two photographers, now I'm just trying to book an appointment.

So that's all for today, I hope you liked my update! Make sure you check back next week, I'll be throwing in an extra post on Thursday!

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