
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Making Changes

Hey y'all, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was planning on making some changes, at the time I hadn't made any solid decisions, but now I have and I want to share them with you!

As of right now I have one temporary change and five permanent changes to tell y'all about!

Temporary Change:
Okay, you might have noticed that recently I've been posting more book reviews than anything else and there's a reason for that. The truth is when I first discovered Netgalley back in the Summer I went overboard and requested way too many books, I've been trying to get through them but it's hard to do on a tight schedule.
Right now I'm trying to get through all of the Christmas-y books that I requested, I think I have 18 so for the next few weeks you're going to be bombarded with book reviews. I think I've decided that till I can get through all these books I'm going to be posting a book review on Wednesday and Thursday, so you'll be getting an extra post a week from me.
I think after the New Year I should be caught up, but till then be prepared for great books coming your way!

Upcoming Permanent Changes Include:

Weekly Inspiration Series Update.
Honestly this one really isn't that important I just felt like mentioning it to get you ready for all the changes coming your way. Since I started my Weekly Inspiration series I've always made it a mixture of pictures and quotes I've edited and things I've found on Pinterest or Tumblr.
Well I've decided to start making all of the Weekly Inspiration edits on my own, I've planned it out so that this will go into effect the first Sunday of 2015.

The End of 5 Words.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was planning on ending this series at the end of the year, that is still the plan. At the time I told y'all about that I had no idea what I was going to replace it with, but now I think I've decided I'm either going to do a Friday Five or a Weekend Links! The series will be ending the last Friday of the year, and the new series will start the first Friday of 2015.

Monthly Favorites and Weight Loss Update Changes.
For the past few months I've been trying to do a monthly favorites post, but I never seem to be able to find a place to put it, so I've decided to swap a few things out.
First, changes to my Monthly Weight Loss Update. I've decided I'm going to start making this post the last Saturday of the month, that way a Monday slot is open.
Second, since  I have a open Monday slot, I've decided that that's where my Monthly Favorites will go.

Blog design.
For the most part I'm happy with my blog design at the moment, but there are a few things I want to change. First I really need to make a blog button, I realized a few days ago that I don't have one, so I'll be making one soon. Second, I think I've decided to start sponsoring blogs, so if you're interested in that let me know.  I'm keeping my color palette the way it is, but I do want to make a few tweaks.

Blog Content.
My blog content is constantly changing. One month I'll be focused on book reviews, then fashion posts, then beauty reviews. I've realized that I really need to start trying to balance out my different posts, so working on my blog schedule is something I'm trying to work on at the moment.

Most of these changes will be going into effect after the new year, so nothing dramatic, but I'm so excited and I couldn't wait to tell you. I love starting a new year because it's a chance to start over and make major changes without people questioning your sanity!

1 comment:

  1. Aw exciting things are happening. I am glad you are enjoying blogging and it is going so well for you xox
