
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November Goals Update

Hello lovelies, I hope you've all had a great month, it's time for me to update you on my goals for this month!

This month I had a lot that I needed to do and honestly I didn't get most of it done. Unfortunately that means next month I have to do double the work to get back on track. I did accomplish a lot of what I wanted to do but at the same time I was also limited in what I could do, due to being sick.

I know I mentioned towards the end of last month that I was sick and at the time I was getting better. Unfortunately that didn't last long. After I got over that cold I had a stomach bug for two weeks and then I got the same cold immediately after that! The cold I have has all the symptoms of the flu, just without the fever, the first time they treated it with antibiotics, but the second go around they said that because the amoxicillan didn't kill it giving me another antibiotic wouldn't help, so I would just have to wait it out. So that's what I've been doing, Dayquil, Nyquil, and Tylenol have been my best friend this month and hopefully I don't get another round of this mess!

Overall, this month has been both awful and amazing! A lot of good things happened and a lot of bad things, but overall I;d say it was an okay month. I had one really good weekend this month where I felt pretty good and I accomplished quite a bit!

Here's this months goals and below is an update on them.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
Finish Geometry Part 1 & Part 2
Make final college app decisions
Finish college app essays.
Finish all college apps.
Read six books.
Try to start exercising again.
Use MyFitnessPal for 15 days.
Write at least 5,000 for NaNoWriMo.

4 of 10 goals accomplished this month.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
Unfortunately I did not finish this, I finished half of Part 1, but I got stuck on the short story I have to write, so I'm running behind. Once I get this short story out of the way I should be done in no time, but sadly it just didn't happen this month.

Finish Geometry Part 1 & Part 2
I finished Part 1, and I've started Part 2, I underestimated just how long this course was going to take me, but I should have it done in about three weeks!

Make final college app decisions.
I've made my final decisions and I'm satisfied with my choices, now the fun begins.

Finish college app essays.
This month was full of procrastination, thankfully only two of my college picks require a essay, so I'm not in big trouble, if I sit down and force myself I could probably have them done by the weekend.

Finish all college apps.
I have four college apps left to do, two of them only need the essays to be complete, and the other two I haven't started yet.

Read six books.
I think I read three books this month, it's not as much as I'd hoped for, but I'll take it.

Try to start exercising again.
I've been doing a little here and there, nothing too dramatic, my foot is feeling stronger and I think I'm ready to get back into a routine.

Use MyFitnessPal for 15 days.
I think I used my app maybe 5 days this month, it's so hard to remember to log everything.

Write at least 5,000 words for NaNoWriMo
I'm really happy with myself, with everything going on this month I didn't think I would have time to write, but I did. I didn't win and write 50,000 words this month, but I did reach my personal goal and I fixed some major problems in my plot, so I'm happy.

So that's all for today, I hope yo enjoyed it and I hope your month went better than mine!


  1. It's great to set goals . I should start xox

    1. I would definitely recommend setting monthly and yearly goals it, it really helps me stay on track.
