
Monday, December 15, 2014

Blogmas Day 15: Pinterest Finds

Hello lovelies,
I hope you had a great weekend! My weekend was probably the best weekend I've had in a while. Most of that can be contributed to the fact that I was still on cloud nine from getting accepted to UE last week!

This week I have a lot to do, I have a lot of schoolwork to finish up this week, three finals, two English papers, and three quizzes! Like I said, it's a lot, but I can do it! I also want to get some blog work in there, I have so many changes coming up and I can't wait to share it with you!

Before I get into this months Pinterest Finds, I want to take a moment to ask your opinion on something. Do you prefer how I usually do my monthly Pinterest finds with pictures to every link, or do you like how I did this post with links, explanations, and only one or two photos?
 Please let me know below!
Last Thursday, after I got my acceptance letter to UE of course I started looking at the college section on Pinterest! While looking at the College section I found a new blog that I'm loving right now! It's called Mostly Morgan , if you're interested in blogging, college life, or health & beauty, I would definitely recommend you check out her blog!

I've been trying to eat healthier lately and I found this and I thought it might help others who are trying to eat healthier!
Keeping with the healthy theme, I found this link for healthy alternatives to chips. I really want to try  the kale chips, so many people love them and I really need to eat more veggies and fruits!
 I also like the bacon chips even though they really aren't that healthy!

That's it for this month's Pinterest Finds, I hope you found something that interests you! What have you been loving on Pinterest lately?

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