
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Blogmas Day 20: Book Review: Allison Leigh - A Weaver Christmas Gift

Today I will be reviewing 'A Weaver Christmas Gift' by Allison Leigh, copy received from Netgalley via Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

'A Weaver Christmas Gift' is a contemporary romance novel, it is 224 pages long and it took me about four hours to read. It is available at Amazon (Kindle) $3.79, and Barnes & Noble (NOOKBook) for $3.99.

Book Stats

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Length: 224 pages

Publisher: Harlequin

Release Date: October 21, 2014

Book Synopsis:
Help Wanted: Husband.

Jane Cohen is in a quandary: she needs a man for her baby plan. Love and marriage are nonnegotiable-it's the traditional route or bust. So it's time to cut Casey Clay loose--her friend with benefits doesn't do commitment. But this impossible, irresistible man sets the bar awfully high for her husband hunt!

No matter how deep Casey's feelings run for the sexy bar owner, when it comes to kids, he can't give her what she wants. And his secrets don't stop there. But as the mistletoe goes up around Weaver, 'tis the season for their moment of truth...and their shot at true love.

What did I think? 4.5 Stars

Like: The adorable ending.
Dislike: Nothing.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would definitely recommend this book! This was the first  Weaver book that I've read and I'm sure there are some things that would make more sense if I'd read some of the other Weaver books, however, this book can definitely be read as a standalone novel, and you'll still understand everything with no confusion.

My favorite part of this book was definitely the ending, it was beyond adorable! When I first started reading this book I thought it was going to be a romantic suspense, but it wasn't. And I would have known that if I had actually taken the time to read more of the books description. This was the first I've read since September that wasn't a romantic suspense book, and I actually enjoyed it!

Overall I loved the book and would definitely recommend it! It does have a few love scenes, so if you're not into that you might want to skip it, but otherwise I would definitely recommend it!

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Will you be buying this book? Let me know below!

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