
Monday, December 22, 2014

Blogmas Day 22: The Christmas TAG

Hello lovelies,
Today I will be doing the Christmas TAG!

1. What's your favorite holiday movie?
- The Grinch. And I also love all of the Santa Clause movies!

2. What are your favorite Christmas cookies?
-I love snicker-doodles and sugar cookies!

3. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
My family always puts up our Christmas tree the weekend of Thanksgiving. And we also always go to my aunts house on Christmas Eve!

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
-My mom, she deserves it!

5. Favorite Christmas treat or meal?
-Favorite treat is homemade Reese's peanut butter cups or balls. Favorite meal is ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and dinner rolls!

6. Favorite Christmas candle?
-I love anything with a vanilla or cookie scent!

7. Do you like to stay in your PJs for Christmas or dress up?
-I always stay in my PJs.

8. Have you ever built a Gingerbread House?
No, but I want to!

9. White lights, or colored lights?
Both! Except this year, this year we bought a white Christmas tree and we have two sets of purple lights and two sets of colored lights on the tree, it looks amazing!

10. What is your best Christmas memory?
- My favorite memory is the year my mom couldn't afford to buy Christmas and our landlord and our church got together and brought us food and presents on Christmas day.

11. What is your favorite part of Christmas Dinner?
The rolls, I REALLY love bread, so Holidays are the few times a year I let myself eat a lot of bread at once. I also love desserts, my mom and I always bake together, so it's fun seeing how our creations turn out!

12. Do you want to build a snowman? ;)
YES, but there's no snow! I want a white Christmas!!!

That's it for this today, if you do this tag leave a link below I would love to read yours!

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