
Monday, December 29, 2014

December Goals Update

Hello lovelies,
I can't believe this year is pretty much over! It feels like just last week we were celebrating the beginning of 2014 and now here we are saying our goodbyes!

This year has been, for a lack of better words, crazy! I've learned so much over the past year, and I really do think that 2015 is going to be the best year yet!

But before we get ahead of ourselves we still have a few days left in 2014, and so let's take a look at my goals for December!

Finish Geometry Part 2.
Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2.
Start and Finish Chemistry Part 1.
Be a better blogger.
Send in ALL ACT scores.
Read two books.
Finish any college apps not completed.
Make final decision about WKU.
Start planning and drafting January posts.
Workout two times a week.
Complete BLOGMAS!

6 out of  11 Goals Finished.

Finish Geometry Part 2.
Almost done, but I took all last week off to enjoy Christmas. Plus I really needed a break, it was starting to give me anxiety and the last thing I want right now is to have a panic attack.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2.
I'm almost done with Part 1, with the holidays my teachers have been out and I they haven't been grading as often. Right now for Part 1 all that's left is my final (super easy) and I have one speech that I have to upload, I've just been waiting because my teacher hasn't been grading, so there was no point in uploading it.
Part 2 I haven't even started yet, but I think it's going to be pretty easy. It's over four units. One unit is poetry, then the other three are books, or excerpts from books I have to read. One full length book (Ethan Frome) and then the other two are excerpts. I should be able to knock that out in about two weeks.

Start and Finish Chemistry Part 1.
I've started the course and so far it seems like it's going to be pretty easy, I don't think I'll have any trouble with it and I should be done with it in 3-4 weeks.

Be a better blogger.
I definitely feel like I was a better blogger this month. I spent more time blogging, I spent more time on all of my different social media accounts, and I spent more time reading and commenting on other blogs!

Send in ALL ACT scores.
Yeah, that didn't happen. Thankfully I only have two left to send in, so it's no big deal. I did send in two others, so progress was made, I just didn't finish it.

Read two books.
Honestly I didn't think I would accomplish this one, I didn't think I would have the time to read, but I actually read more than two books.

Finish any college apps not completed.
I only have one app left to finish and that's for WKU. I wasn't planning on applying, but I decided it would be a good idea to apply to at least one in-state school.

Make final decision about WKU.
I decided to go ahead and apply, I have till January 15 to get everything in, and thankfully my regular app doubles as my scholarship app, so it makes it a little easier!

Start planning and drafting January posts.
I've already started planning for January and I have a few book reviews ready to go up, I just can't post them yet because the books haven't been released yet!

Workout two times a week.
I worked out a few times this month, but sadly the past two weeks I haven't been able to do anything due to my bad knee. My knee has been swollen and hurting really bad, I've been icing it, but it's not really helping any.

Complete BLOGMAS!
YES, I completed Blogmas!

That's it for today, did you accomplish your goals for this month? Let me know below!

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