
Monday, December 1, 2014

December Goals

Hello lovelies, Welcome to Decemeber!!!!! BLOGMAS has officially begun!
This month is going to be crazy busy, I have so much to do, plus so much to catch up on from last month! This week I'll be giving you one book review, one beauty wishlist, and three (technically four) holiday gift guides!

Anyway, before I start rambling, here's this month's goals!

Finish Geometry Part 2.
Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2.
Start and Finish Chemistry Part 1.
Be a better blogger.
Send in ALL ACT scores.
Read two books.
Finish any college apps not completed.
Make final decision about WKU.
Start planning and drafting January posts.
Workout two times a week.
Complete BLOGMAS!
Enjoy Christmas!

Finish Geometry Part 2.
This is going to be super easy I don't have much left to do.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2.
I haven't touched Part 2 yet, but Part 1 is almost done, all I have left is two writing assignments, one speech and a short story!

Start and Finish Chemistry Part 1.
This is going to be a tough task to accomplish, first I have to get one of my other courses closed out so I can start, but I have hope that I'll get it done!

Be a better blogger.
Last month I didn't do as great of a job as I wanted to. I wasn't active on social media and I didn't really connect with any other bloggers, this month I want to be better at that, it's really important to me and I'm making it a priority.

Send in ALL ACT scores.
I really need to get this done, but it's so expensive! I think I'm just going to do a few every week and we'll see how it goes.

Read two books.
Because of my heavy school load this month I'm not expecting to have a lot of time to read, but reading is important to me and it keeps me sane, so I'm going to try to read at least two books.

Finish any college apps not completed.
Right now I only have three college apps that need to be finished, two I have to write an essay for and the other (WKU), I haven't even started yet.

Make final decision about WKU.
I decided last minute that I was going to apply to WKU, I'm still not 100% positive about it, but when I think about it realistically I know it's a good idea and I need to.

Start planning and drafting January posts.
I've already started brainstorming a few ideas, I want to stay ahead and not have another situation like this past summer where I barely blogged.

Workout two times a week.
I want to workout at least twice a week, I'm hoping I can get back to the gym, but if I don't at-home workouts will be fine too.

Complete BLOGMAS!
I REALLY want to finish Blogmas, I'm so excited and I have so many exciting things planned for this month!

Well, that's it for today! What are your goals for December? Let  me know below!

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