
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of 2014 Survey

Hello lovelies,
I hope you have a great New Years Eve, if you go out please be safe and responsible, don't get hurt, that would be a terrible way to start off the new year! I'm not planning on going out tonight because I have an Upper Respiratory Infection and Bronchitis, so I'm not feeling too good and I'm probably going to fall asleep as soon as the ball drops!

Anyway, because no one has time to read a super long and probably boring post all about 2014, instead I thought I would share with you my end of 2014 survey. I've shared it a few times over the past week, but I haven't received as many responses as I was hoping for. So if you haven't put in your response please do, I would love to have your feedback in time for the new year!!!

Also, I just wanted to say I love you guys ans thank you for sticking around this year, I can't wait to share with you all my new projects and adventures that next year will bring!

Thanks again everyone, I'll see you tomorrow!

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