
Monday, January 26, 2015

January Favorites

Hello lovelies!
Today I will be sharing with you my favorites for the month of January! This month I discovered new favorites and old favorites!

Here's this months favorites!
Favorite Song: Home by Ingrid Michaelson
Honestly I'm not a huge fan of Ingrid, I started listening to her music a few months ago and this is one of my favorites. I've never really been able to explain it to people, but this song explains how I feel about Nashville. I've always loved Nashville since I was a little girl and when I think of home and where I want to spend the rest of my life, I always think of Nashville.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
I starting watching Gossip Girl for the first time ever this month and I'm really loving it, I started watching it two weeks ago and I'm already halfway through season 2!

Movie: Safe Haven
This was another first for me this month, I had wanted to watch this for a while and once I found it on Netflix I had to watch it and I loved it!

I have two of these shirts, one in a beautiful purple and one in a tan shade and I love them! I bought them in October and they've been my go to for Fall and Winter, I love them so much I can see myself wearing these into the spring!

Skin Products:
I actually have two skin products that I've been loving this month.

I love this hand cream I use it every night before I go to bed, I use it on my hands and it also works amazing on chapped lips, words cannot explain how much I love this product.

Simple Kind to Skin Moisturizing Face Wash
My skin has been acting up a little this month, it's mainly my cheeks right below my eyes, that area tends to get red and dry easily, so I've been using this face wash two or three nights a week and it really helps.

Hair Product: OGX Morrocan Argan Oil
I've been using this oil for about two years now, I go in phases with it where I love it and then I can go months without using it at all. Right now I'm REALLY loving it! I've actually been replacing my conditioner and using this instead. On nights when I wash my hair I only shampoo, and when I get out of the shower I run this through my hair, and I cannot believe how much my hair has changed since I started doing this about three weeks ago!

That's it for today, don't forget to check back tomorrow to see a new blog post!

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