
Monday, January 5, 2015

January Goals

Hello lovelies,
I hope your first weekend of 2015 was a great success! I spent the weekend doing Chemistry, Geometry, and English homework. I also spent some time scheduling some blog posts for this month!

Last week I shared with you my goals for 2015, and today I'm going to share with you my goals for January! Honestly, I didn't even realize till after I had typed out all of my goals and goal explanations that I had picked 15 goals, I think that's very fitting considering it's the first month of 2015!

Here's my January goals!

New Blog Header
Finish Chemistry Part 1. 
Finish Geometry Part 2.
Finish English 2 Part 2.
Start Spanish 2 Part 1.
Try to go take my permit test.
Work out twice a week.
Get more sleep.
Find a new neurologist.
Finish Belmont University application.
Finish WKU application.
Use Instagram more.
Read three books.
File the FAFSA.
Find out when RoadTrip is for UE.

New Blog Header.
I need a new blog header because last month I made a themed one with a Santa hat. After Christmas I changed it to a plain white with black text header and now I'm thinking it needs something more. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but I need something more, I might just make it bigger, I really don't know, we'll see how it goes!

Finish Chemistry Part 1.
I started this on January 2 and so far I'm really loving it, I've already finished one lesson and I'm almost finished with my second lesson, so only five more to go after that!

Finish Geometry Part 2
I should be finished with this in about a week, I don't have much left, but since I took a two week break for the holidays I didn't finish it last month like I'd planned.

Finish English Part 2.
All I have to do in this is write two papers and read one full book and excerpts from two other books. I'll definitely have it done by the end of the month.

Start Spanish 2 Part 1.
I can start this either later this week or early next week, my Spanish classes really aren't that hard, I should definitely be done by the second week of February.

Try to go take my permit test.
I've talked about this before, but basically because I'm not enrolled in school in the county I live in the I haven't been able to get my permit. I'm going to try again and if I can't get it this time then I guess I'll just wait till my 18th birthday in March and then there's nothing they can do about it to stop me.

Work out twice a week.
It might not seem like much, but I'm starting out slow, I don't want to get burnt out and give up. So I'm starting with twice a week and then I'll work my way up!

Get more sleep.
I have the weirdest sleeping schedule and being an online student doesn't help any. I usually stay up till 3am, then sleep till 7am, eat breakfast, then go back to sleep for a few more hours. I'm a nigh-towl and I love staying up late, but I also love to sleep, and I get my best sleep at night when it's dark outside. So this month I'm going to work on getting more sleep and trying to get into bed before 3am.

Find a new neurologist.
I haven't seen a neurologist since 2011 and I really need a checkup. I never was a fan of my old neurologist and sadly he died last year, so I can't see him anymore, to be honest I don't even know how I'm going to get my medical records since he run a private practice and it's now closed. Anyway I think I'm going to look in Nashville and get a doctor down there, Vanderbilt is the best, so we'll see how that goes!

Finish Belmont University application.
Speaking of Nashville, I decided on New Years eve that I was going to go ahead and apply to Belmont. I can't put my application in till Friday when my mom gets paid and has the money for the app fee, but thankfully I was able to get my essay done, and hopefully I'll have an admissions decision by the middle of next month!

Finish WKU application.
This is another one I have to wait till Friday on, but honestly I haven't even started it, thankfully there's no essay or else I would be in big trouble!

Use Instagram more.
Last month I didn't really use Instagram all that much. I want to try to use it more this month because I love discovering new people and because it's pretty much an essential for every blogger.

Read three books.
This should be pretty easy to accomplish, I finished book number one over the weekend, and I have to read Ethan Frome for English class this week, so then I'll only have one more left and my goal for the month will be complete!

File the FAFSA.
Every high school senior and every college students nightmare come January 1st! I'll be doing this one day this week probably tomorrow or Wednesday, it just depends on what day my mom gets off work.

Find out when RoadTrip is for UE.
Road Trip is something that the University of Evansville does every year for high school seniors who have been accepted. We get to spend the weekend in the dorms and experience college life for the weekend!

Whew! That's a lot to do this month, but I can do it! I've made a plan on how I plan to get it all done this month and hopefully I can stick to that plan!

What are your goals for January? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I too have set a January exercise goal and it's torture but I am determined to stick to it!

    1. I'm even more determined now than before after suffering a wardrobe incident! We can do it, it won't be easy, but it'll be worth it! Good luck!
