
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Winter Essentials

Hello lovelies,
I had been planning on doing this post last month during Blogmas, but it just didn't feel right cause it wasn't that cold. Honestly, I feel like November was colder than December here in Kentucky! 

However, that has definitely changed, the new year brought with it bone chilling winds and freezing temperatures! Last week my moms car wouldn't even run, my uncle had to take her to work because everything had froze up in the car!

Now I love Winter, but even I gotta admit that these temperatures are a little too much. Today I thought that I would share with you a few of my essential items for the winter months!

So here's my must haves for winter!
I've been using this oil for about two years and I can honestly stay that it's one of my top 3 products. Recently I've been blow drying my hair more than usual so my hair has been getting dry, last week I popped this on and now my hair is feeling soft again. I go in phases with this oil, sometimes I use it all the time and sometimes I go months without using it, but I always go back to it and I would highly recommend it!

This is my favorite lotion in the world! I have eczema on my hands, I deal with it year-round, but it gets worse during the winter. I started using this lotion a few years ago and I love it! It also works great on chapped lips!
My advice is that you shop around for this, the price at Ulta is $5.29, but I can buy it at my local Walmart for $2.98, so just be careful about where you buy it from. Sometimes if I feel like I need something more I'll add some hydro-cortisone cream to it and it keeps my hands from getting worse.

EOS Lip Balm $3.49
I don't notice a huge difference with this lip balm, but I do like it and I usually alternate between this and the Nivea Milk & Honey.

I couldn't live without my gloves during the winter, my hands are always cold, so I always have a pair of gloves in my bag or in my coat pocket. I really love fingerless gloves because they protect my hands from the cold wind, but I can still do everyday tasks without having to take them off.

I LOVE my infinity scarfs, they're so cozy and warm! This year I've completely fallen in love with scarfs, I used to hate them, but now I love them!

So, there's my Winter Essentials! What are your winter essentials? Do you have any recommendations? If so, leave them below in the comments, I would love to hear from you!

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