
Monday, February 2, 2015

February Goals

Hello lovelies,
Today I'm just going to dive right on in because I don't have much time left before I lose access to the internet.

Okay, so I want to let you know that I  probably won't be posting this week. As I mentioned in Friday's post I moved over the weekend, because of this move I'm not going to have access to the internet for about a week or two. I'm going to try to find a way to get on, but for the meantime I will probably only be posting once a week.

Normally I would plan for this, but this move was unexpected and we didn't realize that AT&T doesn't offer internet where we're moving, so we have to find someone else to do our internet through! It really sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it, I just really hope we can get an internet connection back soon!

Here's my goals for February!

Lose Weight
Buy a new stationary bike.
Finish Chemistry Part 1
Finish English 2 Part 2
Start & Finish Chemistry Part 2
Start & Finish Spanish 2 Part 1
Read two books.
Move and get settled into new house.
Work on blog design (Header & Background).
Get measured for a bra for the first time ever.
Try to downsize my book collection.
Go through and clean out my closet.
Make the most of UE's RoadTrip weekend.
Make sure all college applications are complete and that colleges have everything they need.

14 Goals!

Lose Weight.
I didn't lose any weight last month, so this month I really want to focus on exercising and getting fit.

Buy a new stationary bike.
In order to accomplish goal #1 I'm going to need some new equipment, I've decided it's time to buy a new stationary bike.

Finish Chemistry Part 1
This was a goal I set for last month and it didn't happen, but it will this month!

Finish English 2 Part 2.
This is another goals I set last month and didn't finish, but I will get it done!

Start & Finish Chemistry Part 2.
I really hope I can finish this class this month, I'm ready to get it done and over with!

Start & Finish Spanish 2 Part 1.
This is a new class that I just got opened, so I'm excited and I hope I can get it finished this month!

Read two books.
I only read one book last month, so I really want to get back on track with that this month.

Move and get settled into new house.
I love out new house, we're moving from a two bedroom apartment into a four bedroom  house, I'm so happy we'll finally have room to breathe!

Work on blog design (Header & Background).
This month I want to work on my blog design. Winter is almost over, so the background isn't going to work for much longer, and overall I'm ready for a change.

Get measured for a bra for the first time ever.
This is something I've been wanting to do for a few years and I just haven't done it. This month I'll be going up to Evansville, Indiana, and they have a Victoria's Secret in the mall there, and I'm planning on going in there to get sized/fitted for the first time in my life.

Try to downsize my book collection.
With the move I realized I really need to downsize my book collection, it's time.

Go through and clean out my closet.
Again, this is something I really need to do, I have so many clothes I never wear and I just really want to get rid of them.

Make the most of UE's RoadTrip weekend.
I'll be spending a weekend in Evansville at the University of Evansville and I really want to make the most of it!

Make sure all college applications are complete and that colleges have everything they need.
I think all I have left is sending in my transcripts, but I want to check in with all the admissions counselors and make sure they have everything they need.

Sadly, that's it for today, I'll try to post again soon, but I don't know when that will be.
What are your goals for February? Let me know below and I'll respond as soon as I can!

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