
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top Ten Tuesdays: Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top 10 Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romance In Books.
I just realized that this is the first Top Ten Tuesday I've participated in, in 2015! I can't believe it's been so long! I decided to start back with the Top 10 Tuesday this week because everyone knows romance is my favorite genre, so this is the perfect topic for me!

So, let's get started!

1. Romantic Suspense
Recently I've been loving romantic suspense novels, it's pretty much all I've been reading for the past four months!

2. When there is no HEA (Happily Ever After).
I actually like books that don;t have a HEA ending, I think it's really brave when authors do that because it's not normal, and most people reading romance books want a HEA, so not giving it to them is a risk.

3. Characters who help each other become better versions of themselves.
I prefer stories where two characters come together and they make each other better, they don't try to change each other, but they make each other want to be a better person.

4. Book covers that aren't cheesy.
This one really isn't that important, even if I don't like a book cover, I'll still read it. But I really do like when a book cover compliments the book, and doesn't make me want to gag or cringe every time I see it.

5. When a series gets better with every book.
This doesn't just apply to romance books, I think readers of every genre like it when a new book makes a series better and drives them crazy wanting the next book in the series.

1. When it's all about sex.
I don't like when a romance book focuses only on sex, I want to see more than that.

2. When a book only has weak women.
I don't like how some romance books only have weak women who are in need of saving.

3. The "this man is so perfect even his flaws are perfect" character.
This one is so annoying, I don't even feel like explaining it!

4. The rapist.
The one that I REALLY hate is when an author has the female character very clearly saying "no", and then later tries to pass it off as them being in love. It is not love, it is rape!

5. The Ice Woman.
I really hate when an author makes a female character out to be cold, independent, and tough, and then as soon as a man comes along she melts and be comes a puddle at his feet, willing to do anything he wants.

That's it for today, I'm so happy to be back blogging, and back to doing Top Ten Tuesdays!
What do you like/dislike about romance in books?


  1. Lovely list Lori!

    We have similar likes and dislikes when it comes to romance books :') especially that we like it when they don't have a HEA. I sound so mean when I put it like that, but I think that its good to have the reality of not everything in life has a happy ending unfortunately! I feel that these kind of romances bring you back down to earth which isn't such a morbid thing I don't feel.

    Anyway! Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out :)

  2. Love this list!!!! I changed mine up a bit check it out :)
