
Monday, March 2, 2015

March Goals

Hello lovelies!
I hope you all had a great weekend! This month I have big plans, I have so many ideas and I can't wait to get started and share some of my new projects with you! I'm also excited for this month because it's my birthday month and I'll be turning 18 next week!

Here's this month's goals!

Lose 5 Pounds.
I lost two pounds last month, so this month I want to aim for 5 pounds.

Finish Spanish 2 Part 1.
I just want to hurry up and get this done and over with. Honestly I really don't like it, I wish my school offered more than just Spanish and French, but for now I just gotta deal with it.

Start & try to Finish Spanish 2 Part 2.
Like I said, I'm just ready to hurry up and finish it.

Start & Finish Vocabulary Studies Part 1.
I'm really looking forward to starting this class, it sounds really interesting and I think I'm going to be able to finish it pretty quickly.

Start Vocabulary Studies Part 2.
I'm pretty sure that part 1 will only take a few weeks to finish, so I should be able to start part 2  by the end of the month.

Start & try to Finish Algebra 2 Part 1.
Bleh! I am not looking forward to this at all! I'm not a fan of math, but I'm ready to get this done and over with so that I can get back to the classes that I do like!

Exercise twice a week.
This month I want to get back into a exercise routine. Twice a week isn't much, but it's a something.

Read a book every week.
Reading relaxes me and at the moment I'm super stressed and I need as much relaxation as I can get.

Start writing again.
I've haven't written anything in two months! I've been dealing with writers block and all of my projects are just sitting in documents waiting for me.

Blog more.
Last month was a bad month for me in blogland. This month I want to get back on track and get back on my normal schedule!

That's it for today, I'll be back tomorrow!
What are your goals for March?

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