
Monday, March 9, 2015

Pinterest Finds

Hello lovelies!
I hope you all had a great weekend! This week is a big one for me, I have so much school work to do, plus, I'll be turning 18 on Friday!

Since I have so much going on I haven't been on Pinterest that much here recently, but I have found a few things that you might find interesting or useful! Here's this months Pinterest Finds!

I love the idea of turning you handwriting into a font, sadly I have terrible handwriting so this isn't for me, but some of you may find this useful.
2. Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
Since St. Patricks Day is coming up I thought I'd share this recipe!

3. Getting Started With AdSense.
I've been toying with idea of setting up an AdSense account for a while now, and since I'll be turning 18 on Friday, legally I can set up an account. I haven't decided 100% yet if I want to go ahead and get started, but I'm really happy I found this so that when I'm ready I know what to do.

4. Tips for the Overpacker
I am definitely an overpacker and I really love this blog post. Emily gives some very solid tips and if you're planning on going on a trip soon this is a must read!

So, that's it for today, don't forget to check back tomorrow, I have a really exciting post coming up!
What have you been loving on Pinterest recently?

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