
Monday, April 6, 2015

April Goals

Hello lovelies!
It's April! I have just under three months of high school left and so much to do, I have 10 classes left to finish, plus I'm still trying to decide what to do about college!

This month I'm hoping to get back on track with school, my health, and this blog! I can already tell that this month is going to be great! How do I know? Because I've already accomplished two things that I've been putting off for three years, and at the moment I feel like I'm on top of the world!

Here's the thing, I realized that I'm the only thing standing between myself and success, I'm 18 now, and it's time I start acting like it. So I did what I had to do, and I completed something that I had been terrified of doing, and I realize now how stupid that fear was. I completed the task in an hour, and I felt so much better afterwards!

So, my advice to y'all for the month of April is to do something you're scared of, or something that you've been putting off! Trust me, once you get it done and over with you're going to feel so much better!

Lose 4 Pounds.
I've started working out more and I really want to see some results this month. Four pounds isn't much, but it's a start.

Workout twice a week.
I've been working out twice a week for a month now, some weeks I do more, some weeks I don't. My plan for this month is to keep doing the 2x weekly workouts and I'm really hoping that I can get a gym member ship this month and then I can do more.

Start & Finish Spanish 2 Part 2.
I finished Part 1 pretty quickly, so I'm expecting to get this one done just as fast.

Start & Finish Vocabulary Studies Part 1 & Part 2.
I wanted to start this class last month, but I couldn't, so I'm starting it now, and it seems like it's going to be a pretty easy class.

Start & Try to Finish Algebra 2 Part 1.
Bleh, I'm not looking forward to this one, but my goal is to do it and get it done as quickly as possible.

Start College Prep US Gov. & Economics Part 1.
I'm pushing it with this one, I probably won't make it to this one this month, but I can try!

Spend More Time On Social Media.
The last two months I've been neglecting my blog and my social media, I didn't do it on purpose, but it happened, and I want to spend more time this month focusing on social media.

Try to get my drivers permit.
I'm actually going this morning to take the written test, so hopefully by the end of the day I'll be driving!

Design A New Blog Header.
It's time for a new blog header, I've been trying to decide on a new header since December, so this month I'm going to finally get it done!

Update About Me Page.
I haven't updated my About Me page in about a year, so it's definitely time to get that done.

Read five books.
I read four books last month, so this month I decided to aim for five!

Open my own bank account.
I have my own debit card and my name is on my moms bank account, but I really want to get my own bank account opened up and start saving some money.

Be employed by the end of the month.
I've put in a few applications already and I'm going to keep putting them until I find something, I really need to start saving some money.

Be Productive.
I have 14 goals this month, I really need to focus on managing my time so that I can make as much progress as I possibly can this month. I have so much to do, but if I manage my time and don't get distracted I can do it!

What are your goals for April? Let me know below!

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